Frequently asked questions

  • Why do I need Professional Membership?

    Professional Membership is for anyone who accepts donations or charges for their work that is based on the Biological Laws. If you share information to anyone in groups, social media or other public platforms, you will be subject to public law and you are therefore open to being sued or vilified for what you say. Professionals are often more at risk than those working voluntarily.

  • What will I receive?

    As a Professional Member, you are provided with all the wording and tools you need to offer your information under private contract law. You can also choose to use the letters BLNA after your name.
    *please make sure this is not already listed and used by another organisation in your country

  • What if I decide to select Advocate membership? Will you be checking up on me?

    We will occasionally check our members' activity. Please remember that membership is conditional and the Code of Conduct and Constitution are based upon integrity and honesty, so if an issue were to arise and you had been accepting payments, then your membership is revoked the moment you received any payments. This means that any protection you claim will actually be null and void.

Professional Membership

Professional Membership is suitable for anyone who works with the Biological Laws and charges or takes donations for their work. Suitable for teachers, practitioners, workshop facilitators and course leaders.

Professional Level Suitability

The BLNA classes a professional to be one who practises, teaches or shares guidance and information regarding the Biological Laws, and receive payments or donations for any work related to the Biological Laws (they may also be offering services free or voluntarily).

  • Social Media Group Hosts

    Anyone who runs a social media group or profile who offer guidance and information

  • Workshop Facilitators, Podcasters and Videocasters

    Those who offer events, workshops or presentations in person and online

  • Website Owners

    Anyone who has their own platform where they share information about the Bioloigcal Laws

  • Advocacy

    Those wanting to Advocate for the Biological Laws such as at government, education, medical or legislative level

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